Worte des Künstlers

"Here they are, our beloved Magnus, Brasse and Eva. In the television program "Five ants are more than four elephants", the children were entertained with skits and songs, where teaching about letters, numbers and location indications, among other things, always occurred. This not only amused the children but I remember the whole family actually watching. A favorite part of the program was figuring out the children's names before their names had been written in the box. Yes, and then Brasses crazy bag whith animalsounds, of course. The program was shown in the years 1973-75, but it has been shown countless times in repeats. Today as then with the same enthusiasm among the little ones...and the big ones of course. Now they are no longer with us. Eva died in 1993, just 42 years old. Brasse passed away in 2014 and Magnus the following year in 2015. But they will always live on through their efforts in the world of children's programs, and in my painting: J as in jam."
Art Print "Y wie Marmelade" von Mimmi Scheibe. Erhältlich in verschiedenen Größen als Poster oder gerahmter Fine-Art-Print. Zusammen mit einem Rahmen wird dieses Kunstwerk in deiner eigenen, persönlichen Kunstgalerie wirklich herausstechen!
Poster: Y wie Marmelade
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