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Artur Christian Wohlfarth

Hinterzarten, Germany

Rapper, songwriter, chef, merchant and visual artist in abstract painting: In Christian Wohlfarth, alias Deinis Nickz, many hearts beat from Hinterzarten. Christian Wohlfarth is a creative wonder bag in which many talents are hidden.

He constantly reinvents himself and loves to explore new boundaries. It is precisely this that significantly shapes his art: fearlessly trying out new things and techniques instead of devising them. Almost at record speed, Wohlfarth built up a life as an abstract artist. Only two years ago, the 39-year-old found his way to painting. Growing up in the Grafenhausen district of Rothaus und Hinterzarten, it was his mother who introduced him to art at a young age. As the child of an art teacher, it was part of his everyday life to grow up between paintings and colors.

Wohlfarth fondly remembers the time when he stood at the easel with his mother and played a game that only the two knew.
They painted a common picture. The highlight: Everyone only made one move before it was the turn of the other. Quietly and freely, without any words. You had to get involved in what the other person put on the screen next. He says today that this experience taught him early on to free himself from expectations and to devote himself fully to something, because you could not say "please make the next line red." This opened his eyes for new things. He had to get involved in the situation and see what happened. He has kept that to this day.

Art was always present in the course of his youth, painting became street art.
He lived through the Sprayer era – experienced what it was like to remove art from walls in social hours. In addition, it was music – especially HipHop, which became an elementary part of his life and is still unthinkable to this day.From chef to businessman and then HipHop artist

At the age of 15 he completed an apprenticeship as a cook – for him a creative job in which he learned to compose with other means.
At the same time, he moved out at home. By this time he was already writing his own songs, competing in rap battles and dreaming of a career on stage. In his mid-twenties he moved to Freiburg, where he completed a second training as a businessman. At the same time, he experienced the climax of his musical career under his alias "Deinis Nickz". He appeared as a supporting group for the hip-hop group "Die Firma", worked with the Jugendjazzorchester in Freiburg and performed at the ZMF. He likes to remember the time when rap and jazz became one. "The work with the orchestra and the performance together were indescribable," he says with bright eyes.

He describes his rap style as more spiritual, as his lyrics deal with the journey into his innermost being.
He wanted to stand out early, because much of what was announced at that time was too clumsy for him. With his works he wants to be profound and convey a message.Christian Wohlfarth is passionate about breaking boundaries in minds. Be it in his projects or in collaborations with other artists. Boundless and multicultural, he also implemented this passion in the formation "Border Breakers". Together with the rapper PPS from Senegal, he recorded songs that deal with loss and flight.

A stroke of fate led him back to painting

He found abstract painting only two years ago, after a stroke of fate during the lockdown.
His mother died suddenly of a stroke. He lost an influential and important person in his life, while social life all over the world came to a standstill. He processed his grief alone in his home. While looking at his mother's paintings, which he had taken with him a few days earlier when he was cleaning out her apartment, he was struck by it one evening. He picked up one of the blank canvases, a brush and acrylic paints, put in her favorite CD and just started.

It was almost like it was with her back then: a quiet approach to the next brushstroke, without expectations in itself.
Only that she lived on in his mind. Perhaps it was this experience that made him fearlessly approach painting. In many of the paintings that were created during this period, he says, there is a lot of her in them. It was therefore not easy to sell works.

Wohlfarth processes emotions and experiences in his paintings.
His repertoire of creative tools is vast and he allows himself the same freedom as in his music. He composes pictures as they come into his life. Be it with spray cans, different materials or everyday objects that create extraordinary patterns and structures or classic acrylic paints. Far from textbooks, he is as free in painting as in his texts as Deinis Nickz.

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