Jani Arts
Westerrönfeld, Německo
I started as Child.
My father was Artist too und was working with me.
He always helped me!
As Sailor Moon started in Germany, I started with Anime/Manga-Style too.
I worked this out and got an own Style in Animesemirealistic-Style.
Sometimes, I just use an Anime-Style or go more Realistic.
I need to do a break from over 5 years.
In this time, I started to paint with Acrylic.
I was testing some other materials like Watercolors and rly loved it.
In the end of the last year, I started drawing again.
For the beginning with traditional materials and only copy some Anime-Drawings.
Now, I just use References and worked digital again.
At the moment, I draw only female Characters and Animals, but this can chance fast!
When I'm painting, I'm love Landscapes and Flowers.
Kupte si mé plakáty a umělecké tisky
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