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Reinhard Loher

Andorf, Austria

Born in 1974 – from Andorf (Austria) – main occupation media designer, father of 2 children.

He developed an interest in photography at an early age.
Back then, in the days of “analog” photography, he filled numerous photo albums and slide boxes with his pictures.

He was always looking out for “THE picture”, and nothing has changed since then. It is this “search” that motivates him to keep trying out numerous techniques and courses in the hope of achieving his goal one day.

Many people say that photography is their passion; he too is unable to find a better expression to describe what photography and image processing mean to him.
Capturing and recording irretrievable moments is more to him than just a job or hobby.

It always makes him proud to be able to delight others with his pictures and Photoshop work.
He began working as a professional freelance photographer in 2014, and also organizes workshops led by a wide variety of famous photographers.

Another of his goals is not only to take everyday photos for his customers, but also to capture something special and unique for them.

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