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Maria Trattner

Maria Lankowitz, Austria

Artist Biography:
Maria Trattner was born in Poland and has lived in Austria since 2008.
The artist has devoted herself to painting for several years.

Maria Trattner is passionate about fine art and focuses primarily on the human face. Facial expression is an essential feature of her painting. The painter is particularly fascinated by the nuances between calm and sadness mixed with pop art. An anonymous photograph from a mass medium thus takes on a new individuality and is brought out of the masses into uniqueness by Maria Trattner. The artist works with acrylic, spatula technique, charcoal, ash and various materials.
She is a member of the Styrian Art Association Werkbund, Willa Hafner Cultural Center in Maria Lankowitz and a member of Mikizzaner.
She has had several exhibitions in Austria, Italy, Slovakia, Luxembourg and Spain.

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