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Carlos Mateo García

Medina del Campo, Spain

The photographic works that perform an aesthetic beauty that is absorbed in the field through a careful composition and a subsequent treatment with digital techniques. The aesthetic perfection is part of the way of working and is connected with the current architectural realities.

This aesthetic always accompanies me both in the trips outside of my surroundings, and in the search for inspiration in everyday trips.

The fascination with the photographer caught early through family influences; if it increases in the stage of academic training through immersion in the world of the image and is consolidated with a wide professional practice.
The labor internationalization came in 2012, when I started doing photographic work in Portugal. Creating photographic work has always fascinated me and has accompanied me in my work.

These concerns have also manifested themselves through multiple collective projects since the age of 14.
He creates five exhibition projects individually, inspired by the visual culture he has acquired. The last two projects are still roaming with the Castilla y León a la carte program, having the opportunity to exhibit in more than 50 exhibition spaces. The last project, Wide is Castile, has been converted into my first book and its panoramas serving as an inspiration for the realization of verses of 14 prestigious poets, with which they have done many acts and evenings.

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